About Us


As one of Europe's major industries, the Automotive-Mobility sector takes centre stage in showcasing the continent's transition toward a green and digital economy. This dual transformation, confronting both European society and its economy, promises to reshape the landscape of key actors. The evolution is significantly underscored by robust interlinkages between diverse players within this sector. These connections span the automotive value chain, the IT sector, and the integration of various applications and novel energy carriers in transportation. Moreover, the ripple effect extends to encompass innovations in services, logistics, interconnectivity, and the realm of connected and automated vehicles, fostering a comprehensive and interconnected transformation throughout the Mobility-Transport-Automotive ecosystem.

The transport and mobility sector stand out as pivotal components of the European Green Deal, embodying a crucial thrust towards achieving climate neutrality by 2050. The forthcoming decades will witness a profound evolution in the sector, spurred not only by the overarching environmental goals but also by initiatives like the "fit for 55" package, which underscores the rapid transformation across various segments of the mobility ecosystem. This shift is particularly pronounced in the march towards zero-emission mobility.

Concurrently, the digital transformation aligned with the EU Digital Agenda, along with the introduction of new services, is set to unlock opportunities for innovative business models. This includes integrating IT applications into novel production and retail processes, thereby facilitating a seamless transition towards environmentally conscious practices. Consequently, it is imperative that green and digital transformations progress go hand in hand within the mobility ecosystem, ensuring a harmonised and sustainable trajectory for the future.


The project consortium is established to encompass a range of activities to bridge both conceptual and technological facets of the Mobility-Transport-Automotive ecosystem. Simultaneously, the consortium endeavours to foster sectoral collaboration, particularly focusing on enhancing skills within the broader mobility ecosystem.

This aligns with the revised European Industrial Strategy, targeting multiple domains within, such as:

  • Establishment of a pan-European Automotive-mobility Academy to provide a learning path for individuals and to connect training providers
  • Twin transition and its social aspects on the workforce in the ecosystem
  • Automotive-mobility ecosystem trends, such as digitalisation, circular economy, resilience of value chains and new business models
  • Educational and training challenges and needs.

All extended upon and rolled out at regional level.
The project duration is from 01/03/2024 to 29/02/2028.


TRIREME aims to address the re-skilling, up-skilling, training, and skills strategy for a substantial demographic - over 14.6 million individuals employed within the Mobility-Transport-Automotive Ecosystem. This sector contributes significantly, constituting approximately 7.5% of the EU added value and encompassing over 1.8 million companies, with SMEs comprising the majority.

This will be achieved by attaining the following general objectives (GO):

Research and gathering of industry & sector needs and training & education offer.

Establishment of partnership of a comprehensive network of industrial, academia and social partners, including a networking/collaboration with other initiatives and projects with whom the TRIREME results will be shared. Cooperation will also incorporate assuring the implementation and sustainability of the project results within the network.

Set up of sustainability objectives and cooperation throughout and after the project duration as part of the dissemination and exploitation – through the Automotive Skills Alliance.

Establishment of a thorough dissemination plan of the project results by selecting adequate channels and tools such as targeted awareness-raising campaigns and attendance/organisation of events for dissemination of project’s recommendations supporting the action plan for the roll-out at national and EU levels.

Definition and development of training contents, modules and curricula, as well as the expansion into new occupational profiles that will be accessible to a broader audience and will offer up-to- date knowledge to the learners.

State-of-the-art delivery recognising the diversity in maturity and regional differences and ensuring high-level quality training and curricula delivery across the EU to maximum extent possible.

Definition and development of a strategy and a roadmap for the sector, drawing of possible future scenarios, drivers of change and trends.

GO8: Design and development of continuing vocational training programmes...
to address urgent skills needs of people of working age, as well as development of emerging occupational profiles and related qualifications covering upper and post-secondary VET levels (EQF 3-5) and tertiary levels (EQF 6-8).

You can find the results of our work here (link para a página results).


The TRIREME project is developed by 31 partners from 14 different countries:
6 Higher-Education institutions, 4 VET-Education institutions / umbrella associations, 7 Industry or Industry representatives on EU or National levels, 1 Region, 3 Social partners, 5 SMEs and 5 other types of partners, such as training providers, consultancies and NGO.